how to add Beautiful Email Subscription Forms For Blogger:
Email subscription is a very popular way to subscribe any blog/website and get updates directly in the mailbox,that's why you may always notice that number of feeds subscribers is always more that any other social social network subscribers.Today I am going to share some beautiful email subscription forms which are designed by design3edge and I have converted them into a blogger widget from a .psd file.As always I have tried my best to make this tutorial with a one step installation.You just have copy and paste the code.Now lets go to the forms and see how to add them into blogger blog.
how to add widget to your blogger :
Blogger=>Select Blog
Select Layout
Select Add a Gadget
Select HTML/JavaScript
Add Below Code in Content Box and Save it.
find and replace: value="prasannakumardasari" at line 40
uri=prasannakumardasari at line 39
replace prasannakumardasari with your feedburner url
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